• Labeled by Google as a Google Developer Expert (GDE) in Firebase, one of only 50 in the world.

Nominated, interviewed, evaluated, and labeled by Google for this role, this is a highly technical Google invitation-only role.

  • A Mentor in “Google for Startups” in MENA, leading entrepreneurs, and engineers to take advantage of Chatbots with DialogFlow and software to realize their business vision and goals.

  • Awarded by my University for my participation in Google events and Appeared 2 Times in the newspaper of Akhbar Al-youm (2017 - 2018):

Appeared in the journals twice as a programmer who traveled to India and USA for attending google events and back to Egypt to make the same event and deliver the new technology to Egypt.

  • 1st Place at IBM WATSON HACKATHON (2018): Winning First place and Received a Certificate of participation for showing interest and active participation in IBM MENA, client innovation centers, Watson IOT hackathon.

  • One of the best 30 places at OMAC Covid-19 Hackathon 2020: My startup "Nosghi" selected one of the top 30 teams over 1200 teams in OMAC Covid-19 hackathon 2020.